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My clients

My clients

I asked Magdalena to help me getting unstuck and moving forward with my business. She has given me a lot of fantastic advice with regards to motivation whilst beating procrastination. Some of it was in the form of constructive brainstorming and suggestions. Other parts had more of a practical nature like decluttering and reorganising my wardrobe. She has a warm and friendly personality and I recommend her wholeheartedly.

Cinzia Polese, interior designer,

My clients

I worked with Magdalena while moving to a new home to help me with reorganizing my belongings in a way that felt more aligned. Her advice and strategies were of tremendous help. She helped me unblock my psychological barriers and most importantly, to figure out and prioritize the things that brought me and my family joy. I fully recommend her services.

Matel, new mum

My clients

Thank you very much for the last webinar. Even though I joined it with some difficulties, it helped me a lot. On Friday, right after the webinar, I was supposed to have a very hard day at work… But somehow I made it in my head to be kind to myself and others. It worked on me and others. And the day wasn’t that hard at all. Kindness has great power.

Happy client

My clients

It has been long time since I wanted to better organize my home, which was way too full with many things.

Magdalena helped me taking the first steps in this directions, she listened carefully to me and explained how to start from small things, how to better organize the various objects and areas of the house and how to decide what I really needed. Bit by bit I started to feel much better and in the end I managed to finish a task that in the beginning looked overwhelming to me!

I’m much happier and relaxed now thanks to her help that is why I’d totally recommend her.

Fiore, pianist and mum of 2 children

My clients

Magdalena is really helpful giving both a sense of perspective as well as simple, helpful tools and approaches to deal with the family-related issues that we have been experiencing recently. Bringing a holistic approach to relationships and family interactions makes so much sense, as life is always a dance between individuals! She is able to give concrete and relatable examples and illustrations of how non-violent communication can help break down counter-productive adversarial or confrontational dynamics and bring about better understanding. Thank so much!

Debbie Mitchell, Sherpa Births

My clients

Dear Magdalena, what you teach and share with others resonates very much with me. I work every day to build beautiful relationships with my husband and daughters and bring more gratitude and empathy in our life. I want to be a part of your community. Your workshops and trainings bring a lot of inspiration and positivity. Thank you.


My clients