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Parental consultations

Parental consultations

Create respectful relationships with your children

Is there a lot of stress in your family life, there are screams and you are torn by strong emotions? Do you often feel out of control, tired and discouraged? Do you have no patience for children and guilt takes away your joy? Do you often feel lost and overwhelmed? Do you lack self-confidence?

And all you want is a sense of peace, harmony and joy? Would you like to create a home full of tenderness and respectful relationships with your children? Do you dream of feeling inner peace and harmony? Would you like to support yourself and at the same time be able to support your children?


The feeling of chaos, strong emotions and anxiety come from the fact that we have no contact with our emotions and are unable to regulate them. Also because we are unable to set and clearly communicate our boundaries. And also because we don’t care about our needs. We often have too high parental expectations of ourselves and do not give ourselves the right to make a mistake.


To create respectful relationships with your children, based on cooperation and acceptance, you should:

First of all, understand your emotions
Take care of yourself and learn to recognize your needs
Set healthy boundaries and communicate them clearly
Learn good communication based on cooperation and respect
Understand your children's emotions and help them regulate them
Replace unsupportive beliefs with respectful and affectionate ones
Replace the internal language of criticism with full acceptance
Learn effective methods that will help you communicate better with your children

And that’s what I’ll teach you during parenting consultations. So that you can create respectful relationships with your children. Relationships full of acceptance, joy, harmony and cooperation. So that you regain peace and inner joy. And also faith in yourself and your parenting skills.

I will help you understand yourself and your children better.


How will we work during each session?


  • Sessions take place online.
  • Each session lasts one hour.
  • Before the first session, you will receive an e-mail from me with a list of key questions and a list of feelings and needs, which will help you better understand what you are going through and will also be an important part of our work during the session.
  • During the session you will receive my empathy and support. And at the same time learning new skills.
  • My approach to work with parents based on empathy and tenderness is not only the result of my work and experiences as a psychologist. It is also the result of my own search and desire to create respectful family relationships, full of empathy and tenderness.


Who will benefit from parental consultations?

parents who want to create respectful relationships with their children
they want to learn to set healthy boundaries
they want to have more peace at home and less shouting
they want to improve relationships with their children
they want to have more empathy and tenderness in their lives
they want to learn to appreciate their contribution to family life
they want to strengthen their self-esteem

Who will not benefit from parental consultations?

parents who are looking for a quick method to improve the quality of their lives
who would like to get a quick result and do not plan to commit to work
people with serious family or personal problems, such as violence, loss of a loved one, trauma, addiction
people who experience depression, severe anxiety, addiction or other diagnosed mental illness

If you want to improve your relationship with your children, have more cooperation in your family life and create a home, full of respect and empathy, make an appointment.

Write to me by e-mail:

1 hour of consultation

70 euros

5 hours package

320 euros

The price includes an online session and worksheets.